Registration Form

If you are an employee of an existing member organization please use this form to register with the Foundation.


  • Gives you access to member only spaces, emails and communication channels.
  • Allows you to subscribe to working group and projects so you can join the meetings and are added to the member only email lists.
  • Allows you to take part in voting and consensus.
  • Informs your organization of your registration so you can act on behalf of your organization.
If you are having any difficulty using this form please email [email protected] using your work email address with details and we will help.

We use this data to connect people together geographically and to take into consideration time zones for meetings and events.
It is essential that you use a work email to register, only email domains that are whitelisted by one of our member organizations will be approved.
The GSF works almost entirely in the open via GitHub, your opportunities to engage will be very limited without a GitHub username, click this link to create one if you do not already have one