Green Software Foundation and Partner to Advance Global Sustainability through Sustainable Software Development

Posted on April 12th, 2024

Together, the GSF and aim to shift tech culture to prioritize sustainability in software development alongside performance, security, cost, and accessibility.

Green Software Foundation and Partner to Advance Global Sustainability through Sustainable Software Development

The Green Software Foundation (GSF) and proudly announce a strategic partnership to advance knowledge-sharing between their global membership communities to empower technology leaders in accelerating their business sustainability transformation. 

The GSF is a 501(c)(6) non-profit building a trusted ecosystem of knowledge, tooling, and best practices to reduce the total change in global carbon emissions associated with software., a CIO-led 501(c)(6) non-profit, advances global sustainability by defining sustainability transformation programs, authoring best practices and frameworks, setting standards, providing education and training, and advocating for environmental and societal programs.

Executive decision-makers and sustainability leaders representing the global IT industry govern and determine the influence of both consortiums. Organizations in their membership communities span the technology, finance, healthcare, energy, manufacturing, and academia sectors.

"Collaboration is at the heart of our foundation. Partnering with fellow trailblazers broadens our influence to make a meaningful impact through our networks and leadership," emphasizes Lisa McNally, Global Head of Sustainability at Thoughtworks and co-chair of the Policy Working Group at the GSF.

"The path to sustainability demands a synergy of action, innovation, and leadership. Joining forces with the Green Software Foundation amplifies our ability to lead this change, leveraging our expertise through a partnership embodying our shared vision of a world where technology and sustainability go hand in hand. Together, we set industry standards that honor people and the planet," adds Josh Harbert, President & co-founder,

The partners will conduct joint research to identify emerging best practices for technology sustainability, co-host industry forums for knowledge-sharing and exposure to sustainability innovations, leverage collective influence to guide change in the information and communications tech industry, and develop and share new tools and resources with technology change agents.

The connections and collaboration among diverse stakeholders will catalyze the development of comprehensive approaches to sustainability and accelerate the adoption of green software practices across the industry. Together, the GSF and aim to shift tech culture to prioritize sustainability in software development alongside performance, security, cost, and accessibility. The result: a more sustainable future powered by technology.

This partnership was led by the Policy Working Group at the GSF and board directors from, and will be governed by member representatives and respective executive teams. 

For media inquiries, please contact:

Namrata Narayan
Director of Communications & Member Relations
[email protected] 

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