Syngenio AG Joins the Green Software Foundation
Syngenio is one of the latest members of Green Software Foundation. We interviewed Jürgen Funke, Principal Consultant and Board member of Syngenio responsible for marketing, corporate development and the Syngenio start-up platform.
Green Software Writers Project
Read our interview with Sara Bergman, Chair of Green Software Writers Project, to learn about the project goals, how it operates and how you can become a green software writer, reviewer or translator.
Meet Steering Committee Member of Green Software Foundation: Kin Chiu of UBS
Kin, Executive Director and Sustainable Technology Lead at UBS feels a responsibility to ensure that our digital world isn’t delivered at the expense of the natural world.
Green Software Foundation Q1 2022 Report is Released
The Q1 report of the Green Software Foundation, released on 11 April 2022, lays out our journey so far and the achievements since our launch in mid 2021.
UBS Joins Green Software Foundation as a Steering Member
Green Software Foundation welcomes UBS as the latest Steering Member of the Foundation.
Software Carbon Intensity (SCI) Specification Project
An interview with Abhishek Gupta of Microsoft and Henry Richardson of WattTime, Co-Chairs of the Software Carbon Intensity (SCI) Specification Project
Events & Experiences Project of the Green Software Foundation
Project Co-Chairs, Jenny and Tammy talked to us while deep in preparation for the GSF Global Summit scheduled for June 2022. Jenny is a Senior Event PM Team Lead and Tammy is a Customer Success Account Manager at Microsoft.
Meet a Steering Committee Member: Sanjay Podder of Accenture
Sanjay, the Global Lead for Sustainable Technology at Accenture, talks about how his personal interest in sustainability and his company’s agenda merged with those of like minded others at Microsoft to pave the way for the Green Software Foundation.
Sustainable Systems: User Hardware and Sustainability
Anne Currie continues the Sustainable Systems series, talking about how user hardware impacts sustainability of systems and the responsibility that falls on developers creating new software.
Meet GSF Organisational Leads: Sarah Hsu of Goldman Sachs
Sarah Hsu is an Associate at Goldman Sachs and works on Site Reliability Engineering. She is very passionate about the Green Software Foundation's educational component, which includes raising awareness, encouraging discussions and amplifying voices.